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Academic Highlights:

  • Continuous Achievement in both English/Language Arts and Mathematics.  We have many students taking high school level courses in math and language arts.
  • World language courses allow students to earn up to two high school credits through their three years at CMS
  • Academic programs for all levels of learners
    • Talented & Gifted classes
    • Special Education offerings include resource classes and co-taught classes
    • Speech/Language for qualified students
    • English Language Learners program
    • Extra academic support through RTI and extended learning
  • Dell laptops are issued to all students
  • A School Governance Council that supports our Strategic Plan
  • Active PTA supporting our school strategic plan


How many courses does my student take in an academic year?

Each middle school student takes 5 academic courses in a year: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and either World Language or Reading. Each student also takes 2 Connections courses each semester.

Help Sessions:

Help sessions are offered by teachers before school each day. Teachers will communicate his/her day and time.


World Language at CMS

CMS offers Spanish, French and German. Students entering CMS as 6th grade students will begin and successfully complete the first semester of the high school course of their choice. In 7th grade, they can successfully complete the second semester of the high school course earning 1 world language credit. The grade that students earn in 7th grade is the grade that will appear on their transcript for their Level 1 course. In 8th grade, they can successfully complete the second course of their language, leaving with an additional world language credit for a complete total of 2 HS language credits. 

Virtual Courses

Fulton County Schools offers students virtual course offerings through FVS (Fulton Virtual School). Parents independently enroll students in the course. Students complete the course at home, typically during 1st period, arriving at school for 2nd period or during 8th period, leaving school after 7th period. More information is available on the Fulton Virtual site